Our front yard and the HUGE snow pile
Christmas time
Pretty in Pink!
Well things have gotten back to "normal", if you can call it that! I feel like we're slowly getting caught up from everything life threw at us over the last 6 months. I applied for and received Maddie's social security number. It came in less than 2 weeks. I was impressed! I also applied for and received a court date to re-finalize her adoption, which completely irritates me that we have to do, since she's a US citizen in the eyes of the US government, but not in the eyes of Wisconsin...and if we want a WI birth certificate (and ultimately a US passport), we have this last big hoop (rubber stamping) to jump through. Why the US and state governments can't share information is beyond me!Since Christmas, Maddie's been seriously ill 3 times. Pneumonia twice (once during Christmas, which wasn't pleasant!) and a virus that she's just getting over now. Other than
that and the 2 feet of snow on the ground, life is pretty good.